Saturday, September 27, 2008

Metal Detecting-The Hobby that Pays you!

Metal detecting is a fun and potentially lucrative hobby. To date, I have found over 40 silver coins, 150+ wheat cents, many indian head cents, and countless other interesting coins and artifacts.

For more info on Metal detecting, go visit this awesome forum:



So what is the "strangest" object you have discovered with your metal detector? Inquiring people want to know (like me)!

Tinky1878 said...

I can't think of anything that sticks out as "strange", but the most unusual find would have to be an old token that says "Vote Bozeman for the Capitol, Nov. 8th 1892." This token is basically a political token from the time before Montana had a capitol. The population of Montana had to vote on the Capitol and this was to help gain support. Obviously, Bozeman did not win because Helena is the Capitol of Montana. What makes it even more unusual is that it was found here in Surry County, NC.