Thursday, October 23, 2008

Trashed Votes

After looking over many of the major political forums, I have come to the conclusion that people are not going to vote their conscience because they say that they are going to throw away their votes. I have read many an entry that says they will not vote 3rd party because it will be a waste of their vote, so they are going to vote for either McCain or Obama. They would rather vote for the liar than vote for the person they know is right because they believe that the person cannot win. But, doesn't that defeat the purpose of even voting at all? If you do not vote your conscience, you are not voting for who you think should be president. If everyone would change their state of mind and realize if they would vote for the 3rd party choice they wanted, instead of one of the two major "lesser of two evils", we could have a 3rd party president and put this country back on the right track. People need to wake up to this and realize you can't throw a vote in the trash if you are voting you conscience and voting for what you think is right!

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